Sunday, July 19, 2015

Final Post/Reflection

In making this fluency blog I have learned a lot about my own writing and also myself. To start, I've realized how good it feels to write. For some reason writing down my own thoughts helps to clear my mind and give me a sense of clarity and focus. I've also come to realize that I not only enjoy my own writing but others enjoy it as well. I never thought that some of the thoughts in my head that I never release to the public are ones that my peers would actually enjoy hearing about. Another aspect to the fluency writing that I've realized is how quickly I can accumulate words (or around 300 to be exact) when I'm talking about something that interests me. For example, my posts about religion simply flowed out of me with little to no effort. Without thinking I was typing words and before I knew it my blog was complete. I also found myself showing the blogs that I had written for this class to my friends and family. 


I am currently taking some religion classes and recently was required to listen to a speech concerning the Islamic religion. Islam is the largest religion in the world and the fastest growing. Five times a day Muslims are called to prayer and a quarter of the worlds population bows to their knees on behalf of a religion that most Americans know nothing about. When Americans hear the word "Muslim" or "Islam" they think of terrorists or whatever crazy story they last heard on the news from the middle-east. All that we think of the Islamic culture is very untrue to the religion itself and the teachings of Muhammad. He was an orphan and felt like an outsider his whole life so his early teachings were focused on messages of social justice and equality. There are many aspects of the modern Islamic culture, such as female circumcision, that have no direct correlation with the teachings of the Qur'an. Instead of forming opinions of different religions and cultures based on what is shown in the media I encourage everyone to form their opinions based on research and taking the time to learn about them on their own time.

Body Image

No matter how many times someone tells you that you look great or that you are the perfect size that there is always that voice of doubt in the back of your head saying they are wrong. Sometimes I wonder how much cumulative time in my life I have spent looking into the mirror criticizing myself. Body image is a self-reflection that is only partially formed by the opinions of others. Of course, we take public opinions into careful consideration but for the most part, its all in our head. Society has focused so much of daily routines around the image of a perfect body and it can wear a gal down. Not just women though, men are also expected to step up to the plate. So, how do we fix this? We don't. Instead I think that we should lower our self-expectations and start to nurture our images of ourselves.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Parenting Style

As I come to the age where having children is around the corner I have been thinking of parenting styles often. As a psychology major it is hard for me to accurately describe what kind of parenting style I think I will be like. I have done much studying in the areas of child development and I am a firm believer that how a child is raised and treated before the age of five determines (for the most part) what the child will be like for the rest of their lives. On one hand, it is very important to set rules and boundaries for your child so that they do not end up crazy maniacs who break the law and disrespect people. On the other hand, I believe it is important to let your child learn from their mistakes and make their own path in life. Also, I feel that a child learning their independence and discovering their talents are extremely important! I suppose that parenting is one of those things that you just learn as you go and hope for the best!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


This may seem like a weird topic to blog on, but it is one that has been in my head a lot today. As Americans we are not only given the opportunity, but basically forced to learn how to read at a very young age. At first this seems like a chore but then it can become fun, at least for some. For me, reading a good book is like an escape from my own world and the problems I am currently facing. Instead of worrying about bills or deadlines I can be a wizard or fall in love with the vampire next door- I can simply get away from reality. I think what we don't realize is that sometimes this advantage is looked over. Some people, even in America, struggle with the simple skill of reading fluently. Also, in other countries the priority is to teach your child manual labor and reading is far from the skills needed to survive. As someone who loves to read I find myself blessed to have the opportunity to read amazing novels and enjoy a good book in my free time!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Party animals?

After a night out with friends are you the type that is sad the night is over, or one that is glad to be at home? This is a question that I have answered of myself lately. I have found that I have become somewhat of a homebody, something that often comes with age. Don't get me wrong, I love a night out with the girls or a romantic night out with my man, but there always comes a point in the night when thoughts of my home crawl into the back of my head. Does this mean I am an adult now? Don't get me wrong friends, I had my share of night after night staying out late- being a college kid. However, as that chapter of my life comes to a bittersweet end I find myself happy and content with my simple, relaxing nights at home. 

Essay Prewriting: My personal credo

I believe that happiness is a state of mind, not something that just happens to a person. So, life isn't fair and sometimes bad things happen. If you are constantly dwelling on all the negative instead of focusing on the positive then you will lead a very miserable life. Also, misery loves company which means that those around will you will in turn become miserable as well. I believe that filling your mind and heart with love and positive thoughts it will lead to a positive life. So, what I'm saying is that throwing a pity party has never gotten anyone anything. If you want something, you have to work for it. If you fail, get up and put a smile on your face so you can try again.


A few days ago gay marriage was approved by the Supreme Court as legal in the United States of America. Although I feel as though I have seen enough controversy over this topic on Facebook and other social media outlets, I would like to speak my mind about not the issue itself, but the response from many communities. To start, I am just going to throw out my personal beliefs so you know what is going through my head: Anyone should have the right to marry whomever they choose. In our constitution there is a clear boundary of church and state which I believe should set the guideline that the government has no right to declare who can and can not marry. Okay, now that we've got that out of the way I would like to talk about the response to this Supreme Court decision. The fact that SO many people not only in our nation, but on my Facebook timeline, in my hometown, and even in my own family are filled with so much aggression and hate breaks my heart. I have seen so many arguments and hateful words across social media that it makes me want to isolate myself from the internet. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs, this is America after all. However, does this mean we should discriminate and be hateful toward our fellow Americans for their beliefs?

“I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.”

Yes, I will end this blog post with a quote from mean girls.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Know Your Audience Analysis

For a previous assignment for this class we had a "Know Your Audience" discussion in which we asked questions of our classmates and responded with our own personal answers to others' questions. By doing this it gave me (and hopefully others) much insight into my audience. On one hand, I would say that many of the people in my audience are similar to me, many of which are young college students. On the other hand, there are many in my audience in which I would say I have little to relate to, including single mothers and older adults trying to make a comeback on the college scene. There were many of these people which may seem less educated and cultured than others, but some that have more "real world" experience which, in my personal opinion, can not be bought or taught on a slide show. For example, I chose to ask my classmates what their dream job would be. I was pleasantly surprised that many would chose to work for a non-profit organization and that want to make a significant difference in the world. By looking at the information given I can more accurately try to relate to my audience, most of which are very similar to me and go through the same daily struggles with me. We all want to make our families proud, make good grades and be successful, and live long and happy lives.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

"I believe people need something to believe in" Freewriting

I believe people need something to believe in. For some people this may be in a God or Gods, for some it may be belief in nature, for some the nature around them. Many in the world believe that religion must consist of a central God and that all who don't believe in this God are doomed. However, I do not believe this. I believe that life is hard, sometimes extremely hard for certain people. I also believe that life involves both pain and happiness. So, who are we to judge the faith one has that allows them to face these obstacles with strength?

For the most part, I think all religions have the same underlying message: Be good. All religions and beliefs, whether it be Christianity or something non-traditional like Buddhism, all believe in being a generally good person. This is a general message of "treat others how you want to be treated" in most religions. I am not saying that God is not real or that I do not believe in a higher power; However, I am saying that people need something to believe in and that we do not have the right to judge those beliefs. Whatever can get you through this crazy journey called life and keep your spirits high and keep you on the right course of happiness can't be wrong.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

"I Believe" List

1. I believe that people need something to believe in.
2. I believe that people always have a choice in things, not fate.
3. I believe in science.
4. I believe some people deserve help.
5. I believe the greatest blessing in life is family.
6. I believe that there are always ways to improve yourself.
7. I believe in true love.
8, I believe that divorce is wrong.
9. I believe in karma.
10. I believe people are not naturally born "good".
11. I believe in talking about conflicts.
12. I believe violence is wrong.
13. I believe that everyone has a soulmate.
14. I believe not all mistakes should be regrets.
15. I believe all people should have the right to marry who they choose.
16. I believe people kill people, not guns.
17. I believe that an IQ can't be determined by a written test.
18. I believe in forgiveness, even of your enemies.
19. I believe your family isn't necessarily your blood.
20. I believe a woman has the right to abort her child.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jung Typology Test

For this blog post I will be writing about my results from the Jung Typology test and how I feel that these results relate to me in both my everyday life and also in my writing. My results for this test were an "ENFP" which I believe describes me perfectly! According to this test "ENFPs are generally warm, enthusiastic, creative, spontaneous, and compassionate. They are often outgoing and are energized by spending time with others." This is easily shown through both my life and my writing! 

I've always been somewhat of a social butterfly, and also spontaneous in my actions. This can also be seen as a downfall because I tend to procrastinate and have trouble turning down a night out on the town. Although these qualities may have a few downfalls I feel as if they make me both an exciting person to be around and also an exciting writer. Not only am I creative and enthusiastic but I also am very compassionate and warm. I believe that these are great qualities for me to have as a writer because it allows me to see from other people's point of view. 

All around, I think that this test was fairly accurate. Although many of the qualities listed are good, some are bad. I can now see that my personality traits, including being a social butterfly, can also have some very negative effects on my life. However, seeing this test made me realize that this test lists traits but does not make the decisions for me! A positive change can always be made.