Sunday, June 21, 2015

"I believe people need something to believe in" Freewriting

I believe people need something to believe in. For some people this may be in a God or Gods, for some it may be belief in nature, for some the nature around them. Many in the world believe that religion must consist of a central God and that all who don't believe in this God are doomed. However, I do not believe this. I believe that life is hard, sometimes extremely hard for certain people. I also believe that life involves both pain and happiness. So, who are we to judge the faith one has that allows them to face these obstacles with strength?

For the most part, I think all religions have the same underlying message: Be good. All religions and beliefs, whether it be Christianity or something non-traditional like Buddhism, all believe in being a generally good person. This is a general message of "treat others how you want to be treated" in most religions. I am not saying that God is not real or that I do not believe in a higher power; However, I am saying that people need something to believe in and that we do not have the right to judge those beliefs. Whatever can get you through this crazy journey called life and keep your spirits high and keep you on the right course of happiness can't be wrong.

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